Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Duck Under

Duck Under
  • Get into a tie-up position. For example your right hand on your opponents neck and your left hand on his right arm or visa versa
  • Also you guys can touch head to head, but dont do touch so your ear to ear, but instead the tops of eachothers heads are touching
  • If you tie-up like the example in step 1 you will duch under your opponents right arm
  • The next steps should be done very quickly and explosivly
  • Pull up on your opponents right arm
  • You will step with your left leg and go to your knee on your right leg
  • At the same time pull forward on your opponents neck to get him to also step/move forward
  • Also along with steps 5-7, duck your head just low enough to clear your opponents arm
  • From here you can take your opponent to tha mat any way you like